Want to alert available, union Script Supervisors to an open position on your union project? The Union Project Contact Form below is a helpful tool!
By completing our project form, Local 871 members in our LASSN community will be instantly notified of your job opening; these community members will directly reach out to your production using the contact info provided on the form.
IMPORTANT NOTE! The LASSN Contact Form is not the same as the IATSE Local 871 Availability List. While our LASSN community includes union script supervisors, LASSN is not affiliated with IATSE or Local 871. Therefore, please note, LASSN cannot :
- Verify a Script Supervisor is in good standing with Local 871.
- Assist with any matters related to IATSE contracts.
- Provide access to Local 871’s craft availability list.
Access Local 871’s Availability List: Local 871’s availability list gives eligible productions the contact information of eligible, union Script Supervisors; productions may then contact individual script supervisors directly. If this is your production’s preferred chain of communication, please contact Local 871 to obtain access to their availability list.